Tuesday, October 20, 2009

More changes at home

We have wanted to put a wood stove back in for the three years since we took it out. After selling the big stove that we had we looked on KSL.com and found one we liked in South Jordan. Luckily Kimber was in SLC and was able to get it for us and bring it home. That next Tuesday I started tearing out the old furnace so we would be able to have some room to work putting the stove pipe in. Dad got home that evening and tore out more of the furnace. That next Saturday we were able to hook up the stove and have enjoyed the warmth of a wood fire. Last Monday (the 12th which dad had off because of Columbus Day) Dad finished taking the furnace out while I was at work. It makes that storage room so much bigger and more usable. We actually put the big square tub in there and filled it with wood. We have a box under the little table the tub is sitting on filled with kindling. So-more room and a nice stove to keep us warm. What more could a girl ask for--Well-we won't go there.

Friday, October 2, 2009

And the walls finally came tumbling down

These pictures are some of the first ones I took of the work on the post office. The back wall where we started taking the siding off. The front so we can remember what it looked like at first. The side which was fun to uncover. It says "A real drink. King's Court. Made from real lemons." I googled King's Court and found that it was a lemon lime drink probably similar to Sprite back in 1946. The last picture is of the front after we took the last of the siding off.

The next pictures show some of the work we did. One night we had been working so long and I was so tired but then dad uncovered a doorway leading into the playroom. It is the green boards you can see next to the furnace. Then I got all energized and had to pull the boards off. The small picture shows the doorway after we pulled the boards off. The lower pictures show the walls in a kind of before and after. They show the one wall before we started and after some of the lath and plaster is off.

The first picture in this next collage is after Jake spend about an hour on a Friday evening tearing off the back and this much of the side before we got home from town. It went really fast. The next one is just a shot of the inside from the front and then another shot of the front of the building. The last one is of Josh and Dad taking the last of the lath off before we were ready to pull the building down.

The next ones are after we pulled the building over. The guys hooked a chain to the back corner and pulled but it just pulled the corner out and not the building over. Trachelle and I kept telling them they needed to pull the front corner because it was the one that was still solid but they had to try again to pull the back-just pulling another 2 x 4 off. They finally hooked to the front corner and pulled and it came down. They then hooked to the other front corner and pulled it down.

The fourth picture shows the elm trees growing on the roof of the post office. The 5th shows the side where the post office was attached and the last picture shows the new perspective of our house.

On Saturday we worked really hard again on a positively perfect sunny day and have about 2/3 of the roof torn off and cleaned out. We hauled another full truck load of wood to Don Marleys' pit and then hauled a truck load of good firewood home from his pit. Hopefully we will have another one or two good sat. when we can finish this project but if not it will just have to wait until next year.

Why didn't we do this when we had some big stong boys at home to help. It would have made this job so much easier.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Garage Sale Day

So. A lady here in town decided to try and organize a community yard sale. I decided to participate but just set up at our house. It was to last Fri and Sat. Friday I had people at the sale before 7:30 a.m. Throughout the day I had a lot of people stop but not many bought. I decided that since I needed to be out there when people stopped but it was too hot to sit outside that I would sit in the playroom where it was cool and tear denim strips. I started out with the 21 boxes in the first picture and with two days of a not very --who am I kidding- A lousy sale--I did get all the denim stripped and into the five boxes in the second picture. It is a project I really wanted to do but never stopped to do but said I will do it in the winter. Now it is DONE--except for sewing them all together

The ongoing project continues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Jared's Big Day

Tuesday evening Aug. 11, 2009 Jared was set apart as a missionary. He was given a beautiful blessing by the Stake President Randy Buxton. Jared then bore a wonderful testimony that he knows he is doing the right thing at this time in his life and of his love for his Savior.
We left early Wednesday morning to go to Provo. We stopped at Kara's where Dad and Jared were able to give Kara a blessing at her request. We then left for Provo and made the very quick run through at the MTC. We simply drove in where we were met by two elders. They ask Jared where he was going and when he told them the Phillippines they were excited because they are both going to the same place and told him that he would I think that made Jared feel a little more comfortable. We hugged goodbye and he was gone. We were there less than 5 minutes. I can hardly wait to get his first email and hear how it is going. He was really nervous but hopefully he has been too busy to think about home.( and Steph)

This was the picture we took at Kara's before we went to the MTC.

Still At It

Even though it has been almost three months since I posted I haven't been slacking on the cleaning--just on the blogging. This was todays haul to the DI. It was all from upstairs. Jared packed up the stuff he wanted to keep and John took his stuff that he wanted when he was home on the 4th so I figured the rest was mine to do with as I wish--and I wish to not have it. Four bags of clothes, three tables, some speakers and 4 boxes of odds and ends as well as a headboard. I also filled the garbage can and will get one of the city cans to fill also before next garbage day. The upstairs is looking much better. Johns' room is almost completely empty, the jungle room has some military things left in it but all boxed up and the living room up there has a few things left in it. Next Friday I will get rid of some more of the furniture that is up there. I need to get back to the playroom as well because there is still too much stuff in it.
I have also been working on the study. I have the room under the stairs cleaned out and the drawers in the big brown desk done. I also got rid of a lot of books and a ton of paper stuff that had been wet. I want to make that into a storage room before winter so I really want to get that room cleaned out.
As I dream of moving into a much smaller house, I know I still need to get rid of all the excess baggage so my journey continues.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I LOVE Getting rid of stuff

This week has been really busy but I managed to get a few things ready to leave our house forever.
This is all going to the DI.

These five boxes are going back to Buddy when I go to Yost tomorrow.I have also nearly finished the room behind the playroom. Not the can storage room but the one to the side of it and that hallway kind of area before the can room. I filled 3 garbage cans that went out on Wednesday. I have also about finished washing all the stuff that goes to DI so that is a big step forward.

Hopefully we will take the rolltop desk to SLC next weekend.

Isn't it GREAT!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Ode to dejunking or The Ballad of the Lonely (but HAPPY) Stuff Collector

Another week has gone by,
I made another trip to the DI
Will the end ever come-it's getting rough
Trying to get rid of all this stuff'

The entertainment center and a box of stuff
If anyone wanted it that's just tough.
An old TV that I got for Dad
It too will be gone-won't you be glad.

Six boxes of books, one old Christmas tree
One bag of clothes that no longer fit me.
Some good carpet pad and an old water bed
You'll thank me later-maybe not til I'm dead.

I love getting rid of all this fluff
I'm only keeping valuable stuff
Organized with no need to hide
All because your Grandma died.
The entertainment center, carpet pad and tv weren't in the picture but they are going tomorrow. I didn't want to move them myself. The playroom is looking so good. I can hardly wait for the junk man to come and get all that stuff.
The only reason I put Lonely stuff collector was I wanted someone to offer to come and help me get rid of all the stuff--hint, hint, HINT.