Thursday, January 31, 2008

Okay, Okay already

I finally did it!!!!! Here is the first post of many to come. Maybe now you won't find me repeating myself so much because I can just type it once and each of you can read it and then I will know that I don't have to tell that info again to anyone. Of course, that would have to mean that I even remembered to write it--these senior moments are becoming more like senior hours.

This has been one big week. We started out a week ago on Monday looking for a new bed because the Chiropractor says that sleeping in a waterbed is definitely not good for my back. Of course the one I wanted is $6700 so totally out of the question. On Wednesday our waterheater went out so the bed was totally put on the back burner and all we could concentrate on was getting a new waterheater. After a week boiling water and taking sponge bathes, on Tuesday LeRoy got our new water heater installed. It is still a tankless one but is electric and while it doesn't have the best water pressure it sure beats boiling water. My back has continued to get worse until I am now sleeping on the couch trying to keep the pain level down. I ordered a memory foam topper which came today and we will see if that helps any. I see the chiropractor tomorrow so hopefully he can get me aligned again and then I will be able to keep things aligned by sleeping on a better bed. I hope before long we can get an adjustable bed because that is what really felt good.

Today is Jared's 18th birthday and I have really had some weepy moments. It is hard to think of my baby being that old and soon leaving me. Enjoy the moments with your kids because it is only the blink of an eye and they are gone. Thank heavans I have such a good relationship with my kids and can talk to them at any time.


Kimber said...

Posting doesn't mean that I don't get to talk to you.

I can't believe Jared is 18!! That makes me old because I was 18 when he was born!

Kate said...

Yay, Mom has a blog!! I agree with Kimber...I still want to talk lots, AND read your blog. LOVE YOU!

Kara said...

Yippee! I'm so excited you have a blog. By the way. I noticed you mentioned your "perfect" grandkids but not your "perfect" kids.

Cami Sue said...

Wahoo! Now I can know what is going on with everyone. I love this. I feel like we are all actually connected now. I hate missing out on things and now I don't have to.

I can't believe Jared is 18 either. I tell him that he'll always be the baby and he handles it well. I remember Grandma Hawkins saying that about Uncle Rick.

Welcome, Momma, to our club of bloggers.

Mike Harrison said...

Yay! Welcome aboard!

KJBBBG said...

Your daughters are doing it so I guess it's about time that you jumped on board.

Keep em coming.