Friday, March 28, 2008

Getting the Tag done

Kellie tagged me but I have been having too much fun with new grandsons to do it but I have a few minutes before work with nothing much to do-haha.

A. Post The Rules (Are there any??)

B. Answer the Questions about yourself

C. After posting, tag 5 people by going to their blog and leaving a comment.

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?? Ten years ago I still had 4 kids at home which is probably the biggest change to now. I was working on the Bookmobile which I loved.

2. 5 Things on my To-Do List Today...-

Get well check-done

Send invoice on things I sold(had to go to the Post office to learn shipping amount--done
Renew books-done
Call Dr. office about insurance-they are gone to lunch
Work--at 2:00

3. What snacks I enjoy....jicama, whoppers, hot tamales and licorice.

4. What would I do if I were to suddenly be a Billionaire?
Get all of my kids and families together at a resort where we could all play, spend time visiting, be together and apart.
Buy a new house,
pay off everyones mortgage
Travel, travel travel--even more than I do now.

5. 3 Bad Habits...
I am the worlds worst or best procrastinator
I don't make phone calls when I should which sometimes makes for messes.
I hate to go to bed. It is such a waste of time.

6. 5 Places I've lived
Monticello, Utah
Logan, Utah
Wellsville, Utah
Lewiston, Utah
Arimo, Idaho

7. 5 Jobs I've had..
Telephone Operator
Vista Volunteer
Incredible Mom to incredible kids

8. 5 Things People don't Know About Me...-

Kellie must have gotten her dislike of vaccuuming from me. I would rather mop floors.

I have had some interesting surgeries.

I had a four year full tuition scholarship that I kept for 4 years--Two quarters short of finishing college. Biggest regret of my life.

I helped start and danced in the original Foreign Dance club at Utah State University.

Everyone on my blog list has already been tagged so I can't tag anyone. My life is so limited-sigh.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Last weeks lesson

Our lesson last week in our class was on Faith. We talked about the four levels of faith. Every level has the same components. They are a desire, action and then knowledge and we all have trials in each level. We start out with a feeling or desire to know something or gain a testimony of a principle and then as we take action we gain the knowledge. The first level is that of the investigator. Then comes conversion and testimony followed by Power Faith which is doing Gods will such as Nephi building the ship even though he had never done anything like it before . It is know ing what God wants done and doing it. This level is where we should really try to be each day as we work towards the fourth level which is Calling and election. It is hard to convey the feelings and the spirit I feel in each of these classes in just giving a synopsis of the lesson. This class always gives me such a boost.

Grandpa Jemmett

Grandpa Jemmett died this morning. He has been in a care facility and finally just wore out. He had made his wishes very clear as to not having a funeral but just a "celebration of his life". They are just having a get together where anyone who wants to can tell a story about Grandpa. Please send me any memories you might have of him. He was the best kind of neighbor anyone could want. I am sorry that I didn't make more effort to visit him but when I did he was so understanding. He always ask about you kids especially the older ones down to Kellie. I guess we were more neighborly when you guys were younger. He always told wonderful stories.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Another catch-up post

Korben crawling through the baby chair.
Korben's very favorite pasttime. He loves this "piggie" book
At the kiddie park which both of the boys loved. I even went down the black slide.
Just before leaving for the airport.
Landon eating breakfast.
After reading Kate's blog about the cruise I can tell you that while she got to have that kind of fun I got to bond with some wonderful little boys. While it was a whole "going back in time"week and I am so glad I had my kids while I was young, I am grateful that I got the opportunity to spend that time with the boys. They were such good boys the whole week. We had a few moments of unhappiness but for the most part it was just a positive time for me. I so remember looking forward to naptime and nighttime when all the kids would be in bed so there was some "me" time. Kate and Mike have such a good tv/movie set-up that I spend nearly every evening catching up on the tv shows I have missed or don't get at home and watched some movies. It was fun to have Landon there for the four days and get to know him as well. The time I had the three of them when Autumn was gone and before James got there was a deja vu moment because they are just the same distant apart as my first three kids and I looked at having a two year old, one year old and four month old and I must have been crazy. Of course I was much younger then. I especially loved disposable diapers and wonder how I managed without. Count your blessings.

I also got to spend some time with Joyce Call and even though we didn't do anything fantastic we always have a good time visiting. We did go to Claimjumpers for lunch which was wonderful. Thanks to Jessica for watching the boys so I could have the time out.

Since getting home I have just tried to catch up on laundry(while Jared does his own laundry Dad obviously has too many clothes because he hadn't washed while I was gone and still had things in his closet to wear), work, talk to my kids, go to the chiropractor and do the "time and talents" thing.(Relief society). Our German exchange student go here Wed. night but I haven't seen much of him. They were gone when I got home from work and he is still asleep now. Thank heavens he didn't bring chocolate. He brought a lot of gummie things which I am okay without. I have now lost 17 pounds and want to keep going which with German chocolate in the house is very hard to do.

Some very exciting news!!!! With our tax refund we were able to pay off one more of the medical bills. Woot Woot!!! I love seeing the debt get paid off. I know that those things keep coming up but it sure felt good to pay off that one.