Friday, March 28, 2008

Getting the Tag done

Kellie tagged me but I have been having too much fun with new grandsons to do it but I have a few minutes before work with nothing much to do-haha.

A. Post The Rules (Are there any??)

B. Answer the Questions about yourself

C. After posting, tag 5 people by going to their blog and leaving a comment.

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?? Ten years ago I still had 4 kids at home which is probably the biggest change to now. I was working on the Bookmobile which I loved.

2. 5 Things on my To-Do List Today...-

Get well check-done

Send invoice on things I sold(had to go to the Post office to learn shipping amount--done
Renew books-done
Call Dr. office about insurance-they are gone to lunch
Work--at 2:00

3. What snacks I enjoy....jicama, whoppers, hot tamales and licorice.

4. What would I do if I were to suddenly be a Billionaire?
Get all of my kids and families together at a resort where we could all play, spend time visiting, be together and apart.
Buy a new house,
pay off everyones mortgage
Travel, travel travel--even more than I do now.

5. 3 Bad Habits...
I am the worlds worst or best procrastinator
I don't make phone calls when I should which sometimes makes for messes.
I hate to go to bed. It is such a waste of time.

6. 5 Places I've lived
Monticello, Utah
Logan, Utah
Wellsville, Utah
Lewiston, Utah
Arimo, Idaho

7. 5 Jobs I've had..
Telephone Operator
Vista Volunteer
Incredible Mom to incredible kids

8. 5 Things People don't Know About Me...-

Kellie must have gotten her dislike of vaccuuming from me. I would rather mop floors.

I have had some interesting surgeries.

I had a four year full tuition scholarship that I kept for 4 years--Two quarters short of finishing college. Biggest regret of my life.

I helped start and danced in the original Foreign Dance club at Utah State University.

Everyone on my blog list has already been tagged so I can't tag anyone. My life is so limited-sigh.


Cami Sue said...

I'm glad you did this. It's cool to find new things out and to find out what things I inherited. Dragon says thanks alot for the hating to go to bed thing. I don't know how I could have inherited it since you had us go to bed at a decent time - like you though, I think sleep is such a waste of time.

Don't worry about tagging people. I think our little group is a bit limited. John "double" tagged Kate, Dragon didn't tag anyone.

Kate said...

I are an incredible mom to incredible kids. :) I think I got the "don't make phone calls when I should" thing from you. I hate to call people unless it is just to chat.

I know you and dad did some dancing back in the day, but I have never seen you dance...I think you should practice up and show us your moves next time we see you.

KJBBBG said...

I loved this mom. It's fun to hear the simplest things about people. Thanks for what I inherited. Makes me feel confident that I wasn't adopted.:)

As for tonight I think I want to be like you very much and stay up until I can't help it. I've shown way to much restraint this week and I need more time to myself.