Thursday, February 5, 2009

And the winner is

Yesterday was weighin day for our Biggest Loser group. We had all planned on meeting together to weigh but everyones schedules interferred so we were just hit and miss throughout the day. While neither dad nor I won we really did well. Dad has lost 16.2 pounds and I lost 7 pounds. Not bad for a month that included a vacation trip with too much snack food and eating out. Dad lost the most weight but not the biggest percentage. He was second and I was third percentage wise.

On to next month. Why did I feel like I deserved a little treat knowing I had a whole month before I faced the scale again?


Cami Sue said...

Great job! That's awesome that dad lost the most weight and 7 pounds is a huge accomplishment. That means you guys are really doing the work. You will get the results.

I heard somewhere that on the biggest loser the day after weigh in was a "free day" where they ate different things than a normal day. I think they had more calories that day or something. It had to do with jump starting your metabolism and not letting it get too used to a routine. You deserve a reward - just don't overdo it and wipe out all the hard work you've put in.

I have to admit I've been waiting for this post. After hearing you were starting this I'm dying to know how you did during the month. You guys are an inspiration. Keep at it. Love you!

Kate said...

I thought of you on Tuesday when I was watching BL. When Jillian said that BL was the "olympics of weight loss and that if you lose the same amount that they do in 6 days in 6 weeks, then you are doing well". I know you weren't too happy with one of your weeks, but realistically, losing weight isn't your full time job like theirs is. So 7lbs Is AWESOME!
Everything I have read says that you are supposed to have one day a week where you can have a cheat. Not wreck the whole day, but eat a dessert or something. Otherwise you give everything up and then binge and mess it all up.

I can't wait to see both of you and your differences. Tell Dad congrats and that I'm so proud of him (you too!)

Kimber said...

Of course you deserve a treat! So eat it and then continue with your goal. Kate is right, you should have a reward/treat day but keep it small and it won't hurt you.

You're gonna need to go shopping for new clothes so can I come? :)

Great job to both of you!