Saturday, May 9, 2009

Another Weigh In

We had our official weigh in on Wednesday and dad and I have both hit our 10% mark. Dad has lost 29 pounds and I have lost 21. Right now we are tied for first place. Gotta work hard this month because there are four of us that have hit 10% and one is at 9.73. The rest are so far back they aren't much competition. I went to the D I and found three new shirts just to wear to work because my others are so big. YEAH!!!!


Cami Sue said...

Congratulations! That's awesome. I'm so proud of you for not only sticking with it but you seem to enjoy it. I hope you win.

Keep at it. You are an inspiration.

KJBBBG said...

How wonderful is that!! Keep up the good work, you're doing great. I'm so excited to see you in 8 weeks.

Inigo, I hope we win. (What movie)?

~*Autumn*~ said...

Congratulations! I am happy that you are making progress together. You are doing awesome and congrats on buying new clothes for the new you! :) Love ya!