Friday, August 14, 2009

Still At It

Even though it has been almost three months since I posted I haven't been slacking on the cleaning--just on the blogging. This was todays haul to the DI. It was all from upstairs. Jared packed up the stuff he wanted to keep and John took his stuff that he wanted when he was home on the 4th so I figured the rest was mine to do with as I wish--and I wish to not have it. Four bags of clothes, three tables, some speakers and 4 boxes of odds and ends as well as a headboard. I also filled the garbage can and will get one of the city cans to fill also before next garbage day. The upstairs is looking much better. Johns' room is almost completely empty, the jungle room has some military things left in it but all boxed up and the living room up there has a few things left in it. Next Friday I will get rid of some more of the furniture that is up there. I need to get back to the playroom as well because there is still too much stuff in it.
I have also been working on the study. I have the room under the stairs cleaned out and the drawers in the big brown desk done. I also got rid of a lot of books and a ton of paper stuff that had been wet. I want to make that into a storage room before winter so I really want to get that room cleaned out.
As I dream of moving into a much smaller house, I know I still need to get rid of all the excess baggage so my journey continues.


Kara said...

Keep it up are awesome!

KJBBBG said...

Hurrah! Progress is wonderful! You're spring cleaning project is sure an ongoing one but I don't think that any of your kids will mind-ever. What is there and we don't know about won't hurt us one bit to live without.

It makes me want to dejunk here, you know the desk that gets used for every odd thing and before you know it it's covered and you don't even know how it happened.

Maybe the blog is good since it gives you a goal to work towards. Another picture of things going away forever.

Kate said...

I'm with Kells on the do all these papers get piled up? And then instead of just having to do a small pile each day I end up going through a huge pile once a month or so...need to be better at that.

Good Work. Soon that place will be so gutted you won't know what to do with yourself.